Today was the awesomeness of four countries in one day. I started at 5:30 am in Denmark and by 10:00 a.m. I was landing in Luxembourg. By 11 ish we were being dropped off at our hotel in Germany, and by 1:00 we were eating paninis in a French cafe preparing to storm the fortress of Bitche. (Yes in fact it is pronounced how it looks, at least in English. The French pronounce it a bit more like beach, but still funny)
The fortress or citadel of Bitche was very interesting. It was the one place in the Franco-Prussian war where the French held out and never actually lost or surrendered. In fact, the rest of the country had been defeated and Bitche held strong. I'm sure those Germans must have thought, "That fortress is a real Bitche." heh heh heh :) They had a marvelous cheesy medieval knights show out in front of the entrance full of staged jousting, swordplay, and in the end love. *sigh* It was really a very interesting adventure.
The greatest part of the day came when we were able to hit a French grocery store on the way home where I picked up a stash of my favorite things including: sirop, Petit Dejeuner biscuits, Coloummiers cheese, pains au chocolat, Lion candy bars, Viche mints, French yogurt, and a baguette. I thought my day was made as I sucked down a yogurt right there in the parking lot. Mmmmm....
This whole day was incredible and due to my fantastic German colleague, Elke. This woman is so gracious and sweet. I only hope that I can be so kind to my guests. And if I'm not, let me know...
Stop, I'm so jealous!